TCN energises new Ekim substation
The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) has completed and energised the first phase of the new transmission substation in Ekim, Akwa Ibom State.
The General Manager, Public Affairs, Mr. Ndidi Mbah, said in a statement on Monday that the phase comprised a 60MVA 132/33kV power transformer and three outgoing 33kV feeder bays, adding that the transformer was energised early this month.
He explained that although the first phase has been completed and energised, the 2x60MVA capacity substation would be completed with the execution of the second phase, which also comprises one 60MVA power transformer and three feeder bays.
Mbah said: “The Ekim Transmission Substation project is being executed in collaboration with the Akwa Ibom State Government. While TCN provides and installs the transformers, switchgears and gantries using its in-house engineers, the Akwa Ibom State Government is providing all the civil works associated with the execution of the project.
“Having energised the first phase of the project, TCN now has available, additional 48MW of bulk power supply for Port Harcourt Electricity Distribution Company (PHEDC) to off take, through the three feeders to its customers such as the Akwa Ibon State University, Coconut Oil Refinery, Meter Manufacturing Factory, Syringe Factory, Ikot Abasi and Onna LGAs, Easter Obolo as well as Mkpat Enin. It is expected that with more supply to PHEDC through the new substation, these customers would experience more hours of stable and sustained power supply.”
This project, along with several other transmission projects, is in line with the Transmission Rehabilitation and Expansion Programme, aimed at growing a stable transmission grid in Nigeria.
Source: This Day
Photo (for illustrative purposes): Transformers at substation near Denver International Airport / Greg Goebel / Wikipedia / CC BY-SA 2.0