Saipem and Siemens to work on joint offshore substation project

Saipem and Siemens Energy have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the joint development of an offshore substation.
The project is for a 500 MW high-voltage alternating current (HVAC) floating electrical substation for use in offshore wind farms.
Saipem and Siemens Energy’s floating offshore substation concept will be based on a proven semisubmersible substructure, and it is designed to operate in the most extreme environments with enhanced stability and can be scaled up as required by clients.
In addition, the design will address the industrialization phase as it can be adapted to fabrication and assembly infrastructures worldwide. The floating substation could represent a tangible solution for reducing the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) of floating wind farms.
Agustin Tenorio, Vice President Transmission Systems at Siemens Energy, said: “The new joint solution will significantly optimize critical technical parameters, such as weight, electrical efficiency, and asset longevity, thus lowering the production costs and enabling an unprecedented number of countries to benefit from large-scale offshore wind generation. This MoU is an integral part of Siemens Energy’s Net Zero strategy in scaling up its activities through technology partnerships for specific markets, which complements the well-established turnkey business we already execute today.
Source: Saipem
Photo (for illustrative purposes): wind farm / David Will / Pixabay / Free for commercial use