New 17-tonne transformer for Dutch solar project

Dutch grid operator Stedin has installed a 17-tonne transformer at a substation in Vlissingen.
The new transformer comes as part of an expansion to facilitate new wind and solar energy projects. The high-voltage transformer was constructed in Ljubljana and shipped to Vlissingen.
Stedin last year laid over 1.5 kilometres of new underground cables to transport the power from the 140,000 solar panels that logistics company Verbrugge has installed in its warehouses at Quarleshaven and Scaldiahaven to TenneT’s 380 kV high-voltage substation in Borssele.
The new transformer is the first of two, with the second due to be installed in March. The transformers convert electricity from the port’s solar panels and windmills from 20,000 to 150,000 volts. The current is then transported further onto the high-voltage grid. Stedin is investing €17 million into the project, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2022.
Source: PZC
Photo (for illustrative purposes): Solar pannel / jniittymaa0 / Pixabay / Free for commercial use