
Blown transformer leads to power outage on Rhode Island

Jul 21, 2021
Posted by Patrick Haddad

A transformer malfunction has resulted in a power outage for about 7,500 National Grid customers in Westerly, Rhode Island.

For the past several days the company had been making equipment upgrades at its Canal Street substation, including the replacement of a transformer.

While the transformer was out of service, the additional load was taken on by other transformers and a mobile substation the company had in place, said Ted Kresse, a National Grid spokesman.

As the company was completing its work, the only transformer carrying the additional load tripped and caused a loss of electrical service for about 7,500 customers at about 1:15 p.m.  Roughly 3,500 customers were restored within 20 minutes via switching, and the rest were restored within 45 minutes. 

The company is investigating the cause for the incident, Kresse said.

Source: The Westerly Sun 

Photo ( For illustrative purposes): Transformator / Nature Blossom / Pixabay / Free for commercial use


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