TransnetBW transport 245-ton transformer to Halle

German grid operator TransnetBW has begun the removal and transportation of a 245-ton transformer for refurbishment.
The removal of a transformer from the Weier substation of the electricity grid operator TransnetBW Mitte required a considerable amount of logistics. The colossus traveled by road to the Offenburg marshalling yard and from there by rail to Halle/Saale.
“The transport by road had 20 axles at a length of 45 meters,” reports David Moser, press spokesman for TransnetBW. The 220-kilovolt converter will be inspected by the Hitachi ABB facility in Saxony-Anhalt and refurbished if necessary.
The transportation was overseen by Kübler Spedition, which used all its expertise to get the truck moving. Planning takes around a quarter of a year if – as in this case – the heavy load is also transported by rail.
According to Thorge Clever, coordinator for heavy transport at Kübler, the special train will be moved by diesel traction on its journey of several days. From Karlsruhe, it will use a class 232 heavyweight.
Because the loading gauge is exceeded, the required safety distance from the overhead line cannot be maintained everywhere. For example, the power sometimes has to be switched off under bridges, so an electric locomotive would have a bad chance. In addition, rail transports of this kind pass through industrial connections, which are generally not electrified, explains Clever, as are many loading tracks.
Source: BNN
Photo courtesy of Thomas Gries