NGCP releases statement on COVID-19 impact

The National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) has released an official statement addressing the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on transmission operations.
“NGCP has implemented contingency measures to minimize the effect of COVID-19 on its workforce. These measures include the cancellation of official travels to affected countries and non-essential large events, protocol on employees returning from abroad, stricter procedure on the entry of guests, and introduction of alternative approach to meetings (video conferencing, Skype/MS Teams call),” the statement read.
“NGCP is also conducting regular sanitation of all workplaces, temperature checks prior to entry in its offices, and providing alcohol/hand sanitizers in all facilities’ points of entry,” it added.
NGCP is also assessing the impact of the global health concern on the implementation of its projects across the country, including the Mindanao-Visayas Interconnection, Western Luzon 500kV Backbone, Mindanao 230kV Backbone, San Jose-Quezon 230kV transmission line, various projects aimed at addressing low voltage in the 3 grids, and others.
“The COVID-19 outbreak has put on an extended hold the delivery of critical construction and transmission equipment from vendors and manufacturers in the affected countries,” it said.
The company has put in place a contingency plan, which includes the use of existing NGCP equipment in stock and resort to other suppliers not affected by COVID-19, to mitigate further the impact of the disease on project deadlines and its overall effect on power transmission operations.
NGCP is also evaluating the implementation of the following additional measures: maintenance rescheduling, except for Grid Operating and Maintenance Program (GOMP); isolation of entrance to control centers, substations, and backup control centers; and provision of transportation, board, and lodging for dispatchers and substation engineers.
Source: Panay News
Photo (for illustrative purposes): Couleur / Pixabay / Free for Commercial use