New 110 kWh substation opened in Kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyzstan Prime Minister Muhamedkaliy Abilgaziyev has attended the opening ceremony for the Tash-Bulak substation.
The 110/35/10 kWh substation is located in the Jalal-Abad region.
The potential transformer with the power of 40,000 kWh was installed within the conducted works.
The capacity of this power facility has been increased three times since the installation of modern equipment and new transformer, which will allow the connection of new social and industrial facilities, as well as withdraw the overloads of Jalal-Abad substations and a 110 kWh high voltage power line Torobayev – Jalal-Abad-1.
The substation was built and commissioned in 1988 and provides electricity to residents of Jalal-Abad town, regional hospital, as well as a number of village councils and industrial objects of the region.
Source: AKI Press
Photo (for illustrative purposes): substation / Th G / Pixabay / Free for commercial use