NEA to launch smart transformer monitoring system
The Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has decided to launch a smart system to monitor its substations and transformers across the country online.
The Energy Competence Department of the Authority is installing the system at substations and big transformers of the country.
The department’s Assistant Manager Sagar Mani Gyawali says his department is currently testing the system at five small substations of Kathmandu Valley. Once proven successful, the system will be extended to all substations across the country gradually.
The system, named the Automatic Power Factor Controller, will enable the Authority to access all data of the substations including those about loading, pick loading, off pick loading and voltage, online. It will in turn make the monitoring system more effective and ensure well-managed and reliable operation, according to Gyawali.
For example, substation staffers sometimes obstruct power supply to consumers with vested interests, citing low amount of loads. But, the new system will enable the Authority’s monitors to check real time data and take action against the wrongdoers instantly, according to him.
In the first phase, 325 big transformers will be connected to the system. Most of them are located outside the city areas and in industrial zones.
The installation is expected to be over in next six months.
Source: Online Khabar
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